Jiahao Zhang
The short film is a science fiction short film made by individuals in the entire process. In the year 2075, humans observed a high-speed unidentified flying object entering the solar system. After it approached the surface of the sun, the sun began to gradually dim. Realizing the crisis, humanity spent seven years collectively using 10% of the world’s total nuclear weapons and successfully destroyed the flying object. At this time, the sun’s brightness had decreased by about 30%. As the sun’s mass and distribution changed, the orbit of planets in the solar system began to become chaotic, and the moon was expected to break through the lunarLOINC limit within ten years. Three months after destroying the unidentified flying object, the Earth’s Extraterrestrial Crisis Response Department of the Joint Government observed a large number of similar flying objects crossing the Kuiper Belt and heading directly towards Earth. To address this unknown extraterrestrial civilization crisis, humanity decided to deploy 70% of the remaining 90% of nuclear weapons to the Moon, detonate the nuclear bombs to accelerate the Moon into the lunarLOINC limit, and use lunar debris to intercept the unknown civilization.